PABLO IS NOW ADOPTED. Pablo is a purebred chihuahua. He loves to go for walks. He has been trained for obedience and agility and has shown amazing promise as an agility dog. In the agility photos, you can see him rocketing over the A-frame, soaring over a jump, and waiting for his next command on the pause table . He is obedient and affectionate with his foster family. He will be happiest with someone who will continue his training in obedience and agility. Pablo is 11 in. at the shoulder and weighs 7 lbs. He is 3 years old. Pablo is neutered, up to date on shots, microchipped, crate trained, leash trained, and housetrained. He knows the commands sit, down, stay, come, leave it, fetch, walk it, over, scrabble, tunnel, chute, table, tire, dance, and he is learning how to weave. He loves to play with other dogs and gets along well with both dogs and cats. Requested donation to our foster care fund is 5 to help cover Pablo's expenses. He has been fully examined, vaccinated, and tested and is ready for adoption. He is microchipped. Before contacting us, please read about our adoption process on our homepage at **UPDATE**5/22/06 We had a great trip home. Pablo has adjusted and fits right in. Rusty and I are a bit sad for Helen and Pablo, because we know they were the best of friends. I'm sure he must dream of her. He has been a VERY good boy. He's been on his best behavior. We've had no accidents, nor has he been unmannerly. I found a ... Buying Dewalt Screw Gun